The other day I was prowling around the interwebz when I came across a discussion about stock positions on carbines. After reading through some of the comments, I saw this: “I’m just curious, it’s just personal preference but I find that with a stance that’s squared up to your target, running the stock 1 or …
Every where we look today we see people talking about how we need to reduce the amounts of stress in our lives. The benefits are generally detailed as doing so permits us to live longer and happier lives. While that may be true; I offer that there are times when we need to UP the …
Today we are going to have a little lesson in manipulating the safety on an AR15. “Well that’s pretty simple” you might say and normally you’d be right. Today though, we are going to talk about manipulating the safety when using the index finger on your hand that’s holding the pistol grip of the carbine/rifle. …
I was recently looking through some photographs of a recent home defense style class when I saw this: The problem in the photo should be readily apparent. While looking at, and reaching for the door knob, the shooter is muzzling his hand with his pistol. Couple this with the fact that the shooter’s finger barely …
The M1 Carbine has many unique qualities about it and it was a carbine I sought for years. Several years ago I was able to pick an Underwood M1 Carbine up at an estate sale for $350 and instantly feel in love with the gun. Though it comes from the era of “wood and metal” …
Be it a handgun class, a carbine class, an IDPA match, or even just some general plinking in the back forty; people burn up valuable time due to how they carry their ammo which in turn, slows down their ability to reload magazines and return to shooting. So here are two quick tips: First; preload …