Or is that an urban myth found in the shooting community? For as long as people have decided to try to kill each other; the smart members among have always sought ways to make ourselves better. This desire to be better has led to better techniques and improved technology. One area of handguns where we …
Let me start by stating that I absolutely love aviator gloves. Aviator gloves tend to offer me the best balance between fit, finger dexterity, and protection. I’ve been using aviator gloves in professional capacity since the first time my platoon Sergeant yelled at me to camo my hands while west of Gruber Rd on Ft …
In the opening minutes of Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” we watch as a group of ape-men discover the Monolith and are quickly set down the road of evolution. One of these steps of evolution is the use of tools which is displayed by one ape-man picking up a down and smashing the skull …
1)Start buying stuff (that includes putting things on layaway) that you want/need now. Prices will skyrocket and availability will become scarce. This does not apply to things like optics and weapon lights though 2)Start buying ammo but don’t panic buy 3)Keep training, competing, and shooting. Shooting is a perishable skill and if you aren’t working …
…..and Ray Charles saw it coming. The other day I saw that YouTube personality Sootch00 had uploaded a video called “I shot my Truck!” which showed him putting 3-4 rounds of 7.62×39 into the hood of his truck during a range session. Since I first posted this, Sootch has pulled the video. Thanks to the …
Every where we look today we see people talking about how we need to reduce the amounts of stress in our lives. The benefits are generally detailed as doing so permits us to live longer and happier lives. While that may be true; I offer that there are times when we need to UP the …
I was recently looking through some photographs of a recent home defense style class when I saw this: The problem in the photo should be readily apparent. While looking at, and reaching for the door knob, the shooter is muzzling his hand with his pistol. Couple this with the fact that the shooter’s finger barely …
I happen to be a fan of buying used handguns. In the past few years the only handguns that I have purchased new have been a Springfield Armory TRP Operator and a Sig P320. Other than that; each of my handgun purchases have been used prior to my purchase. Why do I do this? It …
Be it a handgun class, a carbine class, an IDPA match, or even just some general plinking in the back forty; people burn up valuable time due to how they carry their ammo which in turn, slows down their ability to reload magazines and return to shooting. So here are two quick tips: First; preload …
Several weeks ago I had a bit of time to do some range work before having to teach a lowlight handgun class. I decided to make use of the time by doing a bit of comparison between my VP9 and my Glock 22 that has a Trijicon RMR02 installed. During this time I was using …