Let me start this by simply posting a video. Now let me post a video that defends what we see in video #1. During video #2, the narrator says that there is no mention of there not being shooters downrange when discussing the safety rules and technically he is correct. He then brings up the …
Let me start by stating that I absolutely love aviator gloves. Aviator gloves tend to offer me the best balance between fit, finger dexterity, and protection. I’ve been using aviator gloves in professional capacity since the first time my platoon Sergeant yelled at me to camo my hands while west of Gruber Rd on Ft …
In the opening minutes of Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” we watch as a group of ape-men discover the Monolith and are quickly set down the road of evolution. One of these steps of evolution is the use of tools which is displayed by one ape-man picking up a down and smashing the skull …
In the past few years we have seen a drastic increase in the number of fatal attacks, to include ambushes, on law enforcement officers in the United States. A byproduct of these attacks has been the desire of the public to come to the aid of law enforcement officers that are being attacked. The decision …