The world of firearms and firearms accessories is a place of constant expansion. Every day there are new businesses entering the fray and many leave the game as quick as they entered. This is more than evident when we look at the holster market. When I first became involved in the world of firearms the …
Be it a handgun class, a carbine class, an IDPA match, or even just some general plinking in the back forty; people burn up valuable time due to how they carry their ammo which in turn, slows down their ability to reload magazines and return to shooting. So here are two quick tips: First; preload …
Ken Hackathorn, one of my firearms training mentors, has spoken on multiple occasions about the rise of people who bill themselves as firearms instructors that engage in nothing more than “entertrainment” (full credit to Ken for the term). Instead of teaching their students what they need to know for the realistic use of firearms in …
Several weeks ago I had a bit of time to do some range work before having to teach a lowlight handgun class. I decided to make use of the time by doing a bit of comparison between my VP9 and my Glock 22 that has a Trijicon RMR02 installed. During this time I was using …
For the past few weeks; most everyone has been raving about the new striker-fired pistol from Germany’s Heckler and Koch (HK), the VP9. Most of the comments, as usual, were from people that had yet to lay hands on one of the guns were generally people basing comments on a picture seen online or something …
Our course offerings for 2015 are now live and ready for registration. Access HERE.